Pinoy students win for laundry space project for ‘Odette’ victims at int’l architectural design competition

October 26, 2022 - 1:40 PM
Photo shows the "Tabo and Timba Community Laundry" design of UST architecture students (UST/Released)

Filipino architecture students recently bagged the top award at an international architectural design competition for their project that seeks to provide a communal laundry space to Siargao residents affected by Typhoon “Odette.”

The people behind this project are students from the UST College of Architectures namely Zion Enrico Licup, Janna Muriel Balasbas, Van Hexel Macalawa, and their mentor Juan Carlos Eugene Soler. 

They won the Urban Intervention category for the international architectural design competition “Rebuilding Siargao,” an international design competition aimed to rehabilitate the island.

Last year, the island of Siargao was devastated by Odette causing P10.8 billion and P2.6 billion worth of damage to agriculture and the power sector, respectively.

READ: Odette agriculture, power sector damage hits P13.4 billion

Photo shows the “Tabo and Timba Community Laundry” design of UST architecture students (UST/Released)

The UST students’ winning entry is called “Timba at Tabo,” a communal laundry space. It is a series of rainwater collection tanks that seeks to address the sanitation needs of the community, particularly on laundry. 

The proposed project seeks to address the water problem supply due to groundwater saline intrusion and water contamination. It also aims to help provide clean water for proper hygiene and sanitation that are identified to help combat the spread of COVID-19.

The competition was organized by the Siargao-based non-government organization Lokal Lab and Archstorming

Lokal Lab will construct the design of the UST students along with other winning entries.