LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Days of Struggle for our Nation’s Soul

August 19, 2017 - 12:30 PM
Blood flows from the body of a man killed in a shootout with police in Manila. (Reuters file)

These are days of desperate rage; these are the days where courage is drawn out of us, despite our fears. Rage against those who — past and present — brought our nation to this state; where summary killings — including the innocents — are celebrated as necessary preamble to a “better society.”

Rage against all who brought us to this state where the only choices given were a slow bitter, toxic poison or one that gradually turns many of us into zombies of a fast-becoming fascist state.

Yet there are those who stand firm, even if many chose to close their eyes. Numbed. Abused. Desensitized. Scared.

These are our defining moments, where some of those who are supposed to fight evil — within the government and without — are actually monsters in disguise. These days, these bloody crazy days, are where we have to stand our ground and say “No more!”

To show, by deeds, and not by moral chastisement, that the blood of the heroes of old runs strong in our veins. That in these days of fevered thinking — where villains are dressed in gilded clothes, where the illustrado and the masses regress to muddled thoughts — heroes are found among the common folks.

And in these days of struggle for our nation’s soul, our choice is made up for us. Be cowered and live a life of fear and self-delusion, or choose to stand, despite our fears, with the few brave souls who have always stood up for the rest.

To speak. To rage. To help the fight the crimes against humanity, crimes against our very nation’s soul.

And, with silent prayers to our gods, we liberate ourselves and say: “No More!”

Noel F. Silan, PhD

Lead Consultant and Trainer

NLP Manila
