MTRCB upholds ‘X’ rating on ‘Dear Santa’

September 10, 2024 - 3:40 PM
This November 2023 photo shows the logo of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board. (MTRCB via Facebook)

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) upheld its ban on the controversial film “Dear Santa,” originally titled “Dear Satan.”

The review body reaffirmed the X rating it previously gave to the Christmas-themed movie, citing the film’s portrayal of “Satan” as an attack on the Catholic and Christian beliefs.

The agency said that the film’s narrative, which presents the possibility of Satan being redeemed, “is deceiving to the eyes of the viewers.”

“At the MTRCB, we operate under a committee system, which thoroughly reviews each movie based on established guidelines in accordance to our charter,” MTRCB chairperson Lala Sotto-Antonio said.

An X rating means the film will not be allowed to screen publicly.

The MTRCB emphasized that as a regulatory body, it has to strike a balance between upholding the cultural and moral values of the Filipinos and the right to freedom of expression.

“May these guidelines serve as a reminder to our filmmakers,” Sotto-Antonio also said.

“While we are fully supportive of our movie and television industry, the MTRCB is mandated by PD 1986 to uphold and promote respect for Filipino cultural values,” she added.