Visiting Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, supreme chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, urged the Filipino Knights to be “better disciples” of Jesus by deepening their commitment to faith, charity, and defense of family and life.
Speaking to church reporters after celebrating Mass at the Manila Cathedral on Aug. 15, he challenged their Filipino counterparts “to be Knights who are on mission.”
This mission, he said, includes promoting devotion to the Eucharist and advancing the work of evangelization and charity.
“I would encourage my brothers to continue living those beautiful principles of charity,” said Lori, who is also the vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
He stressed that the real challenge for the Knights has always been “forming ourselves after the heart and mind of Christ.”
“If we have hearts likened to that of Christ, his work will be accomplished in and through us,” he said.
The Knights of Columbus is a global fraternity of Catholic men who dedicate themselves to serving their parish and community.
The organization has 2.1 million members worldwide, with a quarter of them in the Philippines.
As the family stands at the core of the Knights’ beliefs and ideals, the archbishop also challenged the country’s Knights to be role models of family life.
“I think to be good husbands, good fathers, to form families that are unified, peaceful, joyful, where young people can grow, that’s a big challenge,” he said.
Pope Francis has recently recognized the organization for their efforts to build strong families, help the poor, and defend human life.
Lori, along with Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, are in the Philippines to visit the various works of Filipino Knights.
“We’ll be visiting some of the places where the Knights are doing charitable work… and see firsthand our principle of charity being put into action,” he said.