Charismatic renewal is ‘gift’ for whole Church, says archbishop

July 31, 2024 - 6:35 PM
Leaders from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS) Asia-Oceania meets with Archbishop Jose Palma at his residence in Cebu City on July 24, 2024. (CHARIS Philippines)

The Catholic archbishop of the nation’s “cradle of Christianity said that the Church has become lively and vibrant because of the charismatic renewal.

Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu said that this is evident in people’s worship, prayer, and involvement in works of mercy, all inspired by their experience with the renewal.

“We know this is the direction and gift for the Church in our time,” Palma said.

His comment came as representatives of Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS) Asia-Ocenia gathered this week in Cebu City.

The 2nd Continental Coordination Team Meeting brought together charismatic community leaders from Australia, India, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines.

Meeting the group on July 24, the archbishop echoed Pope Francis’ words, encouraging everyone to embrace the future with faith, and assured that the Sprit is very much alive.

“Let us believe that if we are open to the baptism of the Spirit, then many good things can happen. Let us believe that if we join minds and hearts in prayer, then despite many trials, we will overcome them,” Palma said

“Let us believe that because much of our longings are also the longings of many other people, that reason is enough to give our best to believing and hoping that despite what happened, tomorrow will be better than today,” he added.

Fe Barino, national coordinator of CHARIS Philippines and Asia’s representative to the organization’s international council, said the meeting focused on strategizing and coordinating to advance the organization’s mission of evangelization and spiritual renewal.

More than 1,000 participants are also expected to attend the 1st National Charismatic Leaders Conference at the IC3 Convention Center in Cebu on July 27 to 28.

She said these events will mark the kickoff for the CHARIS National Conference, which is scheduled to take place again in Cebu from Oct. 4 to 6, 2024.

Operating through the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, CHARIS was established to unite Catholic charismatic groups worldwide and affirm their role within the universal Church.

“We have witnessed so many people being transformed into charismatic renewal through programs like Life in the Spirit seminars. It is the grace of God through the Holy Spirit that flows and touches everyone’s heart to conversion,” Barino said.

After its inception in the Church in 1967, the Charismatic renewal first arrived in the Philippines in 1972.

Fr. Bartolome Pastor, CHARIS Philippines’ spiritual director, admitted the presence of Catholic charismatics drew quiet criticism.

“We have been called names and ridiculed,” said Pastor, who is a priest of the Archdiocese of Palo. “Many times we tried to cover and hide.”

“But after many years, charismatic renewal has grown by the grace of God, and people are no longer cowardly or timid in professing their adherence to the charismatic renewal,” he said.