The papal charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will commemorate “Red Wednesday” on Nov. 29, an event of solidarity that serves as a reminder that Christian persecution is an ongoing phenomenon.
ACN Philippines is once again inviting parishes to join the annual observance “to commemorate the day of remembrance for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ”.
This year’s Red Wednesday, themed “Embracing Persecuted, Oppressed, and Needy Christians,” highlights “the pastoral work of the Church in supporting Christians from various walks of life”.
“If possible, the building façade of the Churches, schools, hospitals, houses, and other institutions is to be illuminated and/or decorated in red,” said Fr. Jaime Marquez, administrator of ACN Philippines.
“The local Church may also encourage the faithful to wear red on that day as remembrance for the shed blood of Christ on the Cross as persecuted and martyred and for the blood of our persecuted brethrens,” he said.
Red Wednesday is an initiative launched in 2015 by ACN, a Catholic charity that supports suffering and persecuted Christians.
ACN notes that approximately 250 million Christians worldwide live in environments where they face violent persecution, discrimination, or restrictions on practicing their faith freely.