Pinoy chaplains in Italy tackle how to better serve OFWs

November 22, 2023 - 11:32 AM
The Filipino chaplains in Italy gather for their annual convention in Florence, Italy from Nov. 13 to 15. (CBCP News)

The Filipino chaplains in Italy gathered in the city of Florence recently and talked how to better serve the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

Hosted by Fr. Reynold Corcino, chaplain in Florence, the annual convention was held last November 13 to 15.

“The chaplains discussed how to better serve our OFW’s, who have become our overseas Filipino missionaries,” said Fr. Gregory Gaston, national coordinator for Filipino chaplains in Italy and rector of the Pontificio Collegio Filippino.

“Also tackled were how to minister to religious and civic organizations and bring them closer to the chaplaincies, always according to the guidelines of the host Italian dioceses,” he said.

Fr. Gianni Guida, who first started the community 35 years ago, was present during the convention.

Among the highlights of the convention was the online conversation with Msgr. Bernardo Pantin, CBCP Secretary General, who talked about the proposed Personal Prelature for Filipinos.

He said the personal prelature is meant to support the Filipino chaplains’ mission and needs worldwide.

“Rather than keeping our migrants away from the parishes abroad, the personal prelature will do everything it can to incorporate them into the parishes in the countries where they settle,” Pantin said.

The personal prelature, conceived by the Vatican Council II and further developed in Church documents and papal teachings, has been the subject of academic, pastoral, and canonical studies concerning Filipino migrants for the past 30 years. Over the last two years, it has been repeatedly discussed in various Permanent Council and plenary meetings of the CBCP.