Some Metro Manila motorcycle riders keep on violating rules on taillights

April 19, 2019 - 10:36 AM
Motorcycle rider
A motorycle rider dressed in black. (Creative Commons/Stock photo)

A uniformed man riding a motorcycle with yellow taillights caught the attention of a Twitter-based vlog since it violated a policy of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code.

It is unknown whether the man was a government worker or not.

“The problem with this is that sometimes you can’t tell if they’re coming or going. And that’s dangerous,” an excerpt of the Twitter post reads.

Other users also agreed with the observation and claimed that they have seen riders and vehicles who seemed to have violated driving policies as well.

“Don’t get me started on the cyclists! Who consider [sic] it appropriate to ride at night dressed in black & no lights on their bikes along unlit or poorly lit roads!” a Twitter user wrote.

He added in a follow-up comment that he has witnessed motorcycles “with no working rear/brake lights” in Nuvali.

“Down in Nuvali I see so many with no working rear/brake lights. Blue front lights are become [sic] common,” he wrote.

“There’s a special place in hell for blinking brake lights,” another user commented.

The Twitter account that posted the picture explained that it is “important for traffic enforcers to catch all violations they witness and not just limit themselves to only a few kinds.”

Use of rear lights 

Republic Act 4136 or the Land Transportation and Traffic Code allows motor vehicles to only have a certain color of taillights for the safety of the public.

Article IV Section 34 (d) of the law states that a “red light (must be) visible at least one hundred meters from the rear of the vehicle.”

Red lights are not allowed to be used as headlights as well. Only those in white or yellowish in color are allowed on the road.

Stop lights, moreover, are only allowed to be “bright red” in color.

These are the lights “equipped at the rear with at least one lamp which shall throw a sustained bright red light visible under all conditions, even under bright sunlight, when the brakes are applied.”