Clinical study shows this anti-ageing supplement gives results in two months

August 31, 2017 - 7:35 PM
Health and wellness guru and media personality Cory Quirino is Novulift's brand ambassador. The product, according to a recent clinical study, can make skin look more glowing and youthful in two months. Photos courtesy of Nutramedica.

A recent clinical study initiated by Nutramedica, the company behind anti-aging food supplement Novuskin Lift, showed the capsules’ safety and efficacy in restoring youthful skin in just two months.

Nutramedica CEO Mae Velilla shared in a press statement, “Novuskin Lift’s unique formula has already been proven safe and effective in Thailand however with the presence of a local clinical trial, we can provide our Philippine consumers confidence and assurance that our product works and is safe as an oral anti-aging supplement.”

VMV Skin Research Centre + Clinics (VSRC), the firm that designed and led the clinical study on Novuskin Lift, presented three major findings from the two-month clinical trial period that involved 84 participants ranging in age from 35 to 60 years old.

Clinical findings
The results of the clinical study show that: 1) Novuskin Lift helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and promotes firm, supple skin and radiate youthful appearance by improving skin elasticity; 2) it helps promote a smooth, plump and healthy complexion by keeping the skin moisturized and hydrated. And 3) it is safe to use without significant side effects.

Novuskin Lift is made with natural ingredients that include a host of antioxidants and co-factor nutrients that aid in the production of collagen, the skin’s building block, and marine fish collagen that helps promote skin repair, wrinkle reduction, smooth skin, and a young appearance.

Factors such as aging, poor diet, smoking, sun exposure, and a stressful lifestyle can speed up the breakdown of collagen which results in wrinkles and dull and sagging skin.

Nutramedica Medical Director Dr. Ellaine Joseph and Nutramedica CEO Mae Velilla present the findings of a recent clinical study on the skin and wellness benefits of taking Novuskin Lift food supplements daily. Photo courtesy of Nutramedica.

Nutramedica Medical Director Dr. Ellaine Joseph explained the effects of Novuskin Lift, “The natural ingredients in Novuskin Lift work in synergy to help eliminate free radicals and toxins as well as aid in stimulating collagen production. These two physiological activities result in an increase of skin hydration and elasticity which in turn promotes healthy and youthful skin and body.”

VSRC measured and compared elasticity and skin hydration levels of the participants throughout the duration of the three-month study, which was divided into two months of Novuskin Lift usage followed by one month of no intake. With Novuskin Lift intake, there was a trending increase in skin elasticity and skin hydration levels. After a month of discontinued use, their skin went back to their original condition.

“For women and men aged 35 years old and up, a twice-a-day Novuskin Lift regimen is recommended so they can see improvement in their skin in two months,” said Dr. Joseph.

“We are happy that the clinical trial has proven Novuskin Lift’s initial claims as a revolutionary food supplement with anti-aging powers that can bring back one’s youthful beauty. Novuskin Lift is the result of seven years of research and development and this study adds to its credibility as an effective and safe product,” said Velilla.

The product is available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide and online at For inquiries call (+632) 413-6570 or (+63) 917-7747546 (SKIN) or visit