Mr & Mrs. Jauncey: Pia Wurtzbach, Jeremy Jauncey bare tying the knot in beach wedding video

May 5, 2023 - 6:16 PM
This composite photo shows screenshots of newlyweds Pia Wurtzbach and Jeremy Jauncey wedding video posted on Instagram. (Pia Wurtzbach/Instagram)

Pia Wurtzbach is now Mrs. Jauncey!

The Miss Universe 2015 revealed this in an Instagram real showcasing snippets of their secret wedding.

The video was captioned “Mr & Mrs Jauncey,” accompanied by the date 24.03.2023. The Instagram of North Island-Seychelles, an exclusive private island in Seychelles was also tagged on the post.

No other details were revealed in the video but it showed the behind-the-scenes during the beach wedding attended by just the two of them and the couple enjoying the intimate wedding.

Pia walked down the beach aisle in a body-hugging lace gown as Jeremy waited for her wearing a white polo and kilt. She also flaunted her wedding ring.

The song used in the video was “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac.

Following Pia’s surprise wedding video post, several best wishes and congratulatory messages poured in for the couple.

Fellow beauty queens were among those who congratulated her.

“Congratulations Ate P!!! So much love in this video,” fellow Miss Universe Philippines title holder Rabiya Mateo said.

“To the Jaunceys! Very big congratulations,” Miss Universe 2019 Zozinbini Tunzi said.

“Congratulations P!!!” Kylie Verzosa said.

Several personalities from entertainment industry also greeted the newlyweds

“Beautiful,” actress Lovie Poe commented.

“Beautiful!!! Congras, Queen,” Ria Atayde said.

“Congratulations Madame P,” radio DJ Sam YG said.

“You guys are beautiful together, congratulations Mr. and Mrs Jauncey,” Iya Villania wrote.

Pia and Jeremy celebrated their engagement last May after being together for two years.

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