Philippine peso leads gains among Asian currencies

File photo of foreign exchange. (The STAR/KJ Rosales)

The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0205 GMT.

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 148.760 148.56 -0.13
Sing dlr 1.306 1.3055 -0.01
Taiwan dlr 32.205 32.16 -0.14
Korean won 1350.100 1355.2 +0.38
Baht 33.325 33.43 +0.32
Peso 57.210 57.49 +0.49
Rupiah 15650.000 15660 +0.06
Rupee 83.968 83.9675 0.00
Ringgit 4.284 4.288 +0.09
Yuan 7.074 7.0768 +0.03
Change so far in 2024
Currency Latest bid End 2023 Pct Move
Japan yen 148.760 141.060 -5.18
Sing dlr 1.306 1.319 +1.03
Taiwan dlr 32.205 30.735 -4.56
Korean won 1350.100 1288.000 -4.60
Baht 33.325 34.165 +2.52
Peso 57.210 55.388 -3.18
Rupiah 15650.000 15395.000 -1.63
Rupee 83.968 83.208 -0.91
Ringgit 4.284 4.590 +7.14
Yuan 7.074 7.098 +0.33

— Compiled by Shivangi Lahiri in Bengaluru

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