Malaysia’s ringgit rises most among Asian currencies

Image by Squirrel_photos via Pixabay

The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0208 GMT.

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 142.390 142.19 -0.14
Sing dlr 1.281 1.2807 +0.02
Taiwan dlr 31.610 31.688 +0.25
Korean won 1306.400 1310.1 +0.28
Baht 32.328 32.38 +0.16
Peso 56.060 55.98 -0.14
Rupiah 15130.000 15120 -0.07
Rupee 83.700 83.7 0.00
Ringgit 4.101 4.122 +0.51
Yuan 7.014 7.0111 -0.05
Change so far in 2024
Currency Latest bid End 2023 Pct Move
Japan yen 142.390 141.060 -0.93
Sing dlr 1.281 1.319 +3.01
Taiwan dlr 31.610 30.735 -2.77
Korean won 1306.400 1288.000 -1.41
Baht 32.328 34.165 +5.68
Peso 56.060 55.388 -1.20
Rupiah 15130.000 15395.000 +1.75
Rupee 83.700 83.208 -0.59
Ringgit 4.101 4.590 +11.92
Yuan 7.014 7.098 +1.19

—Compiled by Shivangi Lahiri in Bengaluru; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu

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