Ringgit, Philippine peso lead losses among weak Asian currencies

File photo of foreign exchange. (The STAR/KJ Rosales)

The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0204 GMT.

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 144.570 144.17 -0.28
Sing dlr 1.324 1.3251 +0.09
Taiwan dlr 32.720 32.639 -0.25
Korean won 1372.800 1370 -0.20
Baht 35.405 35.415 +0.03
Peso 57.960 57.82 -0.24
Rupiah 16200.000 16180 -0.12
Rupee 83.845 83.845 0.00
Ringgit 4.457 4.42 -0.83
Yuan 7.154 7.1395 -0.20
Change so far in 2024
Currency Latest bid End 2023 Pct Move
Japan yen 144.570 141.060 -2.43
Sing dlr 1.324 1.319 -0.36
Taiwan dlr 32.720 30.735 -6.07
Korean won 1372.800 1288.000 -6.18
Baht 35.405 34.165 -3.50
Peso 57.960 55.388 -4.44
Rupiah 16200.000 15395.000 -4.97
Rupee 83.845 83.208 -0.76
Ringgit 4.457 4.590 +2.98
Yuan 7.154 7.098 -0.78

 —Compiled by Sameer Manekar in Bengaluru; Editing by Rashmi Aich

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