Product mobility amid pandemic: Courier services for online sellers get more accessible

Package delivery

Stock photo of a box being delivered. (Image by RoseBox via Unsplash)

The coronavirus pandemic prompted the surge of online selling among Filipinos as they establish means to earn from the safety of their homes.

Many businesses have shifted their operations to the digital sphere since the government imposed lockdown measures in a bid to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

The Department of Trade and Industry noted that there has been an increase in the number of registered online businesses as a result of the need to earn profits and stay economically afloat while the pandemic carries on.

Last March, there were only 1,700 registered online businesses but by September, the agency has recorded over 75,000 businesses.

“The silver lining in COVID-19 is the accelerated adoption of e-commerce. Hence, the DTI is also increasing our efforts to promote e-commerce by building trust between consumers and merchants, and focusing on the digitalization of our micro, small and medium enterprises,” Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez said.

A real estate consultancy company noted that the surge of the e-commerce industry has intensified the logistics market, which affects the competence of businesses especially engaged in online selling.

Effectively coordinated logistics lead to positive business outcomes since product movement heavily relies on its timeliness and efficiency especially at a time of a public health crisis. It also results in helping the business create value since customers are assured of high product availability.

“In order to provide more value, businesses either work on improving their own logistic activities or rely on professionals,” an American freight company noted.

As people continue to establish their own businesses as a means to stay economically afloat during the pandemic, the initiative to deliver goods and products in a convenient manner has come into play, especially for those who do not have their own logistics services.

Such instances have prompted courier service J&T Express to launch a campaign aiming to help entrepreneurs transport their goods with ease as more people continue to utilize delivery services in efforts to observe social distancing.

“We have seen how Filipinos, especially during this pandemic, explore their interests and push the limits of their creativity and resourcefulness by turning their passion into entrepreneurial endeavors,” Zoe Chi, company vice president of J&T Express, said in a news release.

J&T Express has so far featured the owners of a local gift box business and a custom design solutions business for its #CertifiedLokalista campaign.

App-based courier services have also seen some traction recently, with the expansion of LalaMove services to cover restaurant and food delivery, Grab Philippines‘ relatively new Grab Pabili and GrabMart products, and the growing popularity of Mr. Speedy, a no-fuss courier service app with rave reviews.

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