Young customs broker slain in Caloocan ambush

February 26, 2018 - 11:17 AM
Image from CCTV footage shows the car of murdered customs breaker Raymond Aniceto. (News5)

MANILA, Philippines — A 26-year old customs broker was shot dead in an ambush by motorcycle-riding killers in Caloocan City in a crime captured by closed circuit television cameras Monday morning, February 26.

CCTV footage showed a black car cruising down 3rd Avenue when the motorcycle drove up beside it and the pillion rider opened fire with a pistol.

The car continued moving forward until it climbed the curb and bumped a post, finally stopping.

Raymond Aniceto died of gunshots to the head and neck.

His father Rey said he believed the murder was the offshoot of a personal grudge against Aniceto and had nothing to do with his work as a customs broker.