The Fourth Quarter 2017 Social Weather Survey, done on December 8-16, 2017, found that a plurality 39 percent of Filipino adults disagree, while 31% agree, with a prospective proclamation of a Revolutionary Government by Pres. Rodrigo Duterte.
The remaining 30% were undecided about the issue.
The findings were presented by Gerardo “Jay” Sandoval, SWS Director for Sampling and Data Processing in the public briefing, “Social Weather Report: Opinion on Revolutionary Government,” held at the SWS Knowledge Center on January 12, 2018.

Net agreement (% agree minus % disagree) to a revolutionary government is a net +2 (37% agree, 35% disagree) among those satisfied with the performance of Pres. Duterte, compared to the net -22 (20% agree, 41% disagree, correctly rounded) among those undecided, and the net -43 (16% agree, 60% disagree, correctly rounded) among those dissatisfied with the President.
Similarly, net agreement was a net +1 (35% agree, 34% disagree) among those with much trust in Pres. Duterte, compared to the net -38 (15% agree, 53% disagree) among those undecided, and the net -56 (11% agree, 68% disagree, correctly rounded) among those with little trust in Pres. Duterte.
The Fourth Quarter 2017 Social Weather Survey findings on the satisfaction rating and trust rating of Pres. Duterte were reported by SWS on December 22, 2017 and January 11, 2018, respectively.
Mindanao supports ‘RevGov’
Net agreement with a revolutionary government, in case proclaimed by Pres. Duterte, is highest in Mindanao at net +16 (38% agree, 21% disagree, correctly rounded), followed by Metro Manila at net -7 (34% agree, 41% disagree), Balance Luzon at net -16 (30% agree, 46% disagree), and Visayas at net -17 (26% agree, 43% disagree).
Net agreement scores are at single-digit across locale, class, and sex, ranging from net -9 to +4.
By age group, net agreement scores are at single-digit among the 18-44 year olds, ranging from net -7 to -1, while opposition prevails among the 45 year olds and above, with net agreement scores ranging from net -15 to -12.
Comparing by educational attainment, net agreement scores are at single-digit among those with up to some college education, ranging from net -9 to -2, while it is a net -19 among college graduates.
Duterte plan for a new govt that he likes
The December 2017 survey found that 63% of Filipino adults say Pres. Rodrigo Duterte has a plan to change the present government for a new government that he likes, while 18% say he has no plan. The remaining 19% has no answer.
The proportion of those who say Pres. Duterte has a plan to change the present government for a new government that he likes is highest in Mindanao at 72%, followed by Metro Manila at 69%, Balance Luzon at 59%, and Visayas at 58%.
Majorities across locale, class, sex, and age say the President has a plan to change the present government, ranging from 58% to 70%.
Awareness of Pres. Duterte’s plan to change the government is higher among those with more years of formal schooling: it is highest among college graduates at 75%, followed by high school graduates at 66%, elementary school graduates at 60%, and non-elementary school graduates at 52%.
48% think RevGov possible under 1987 Constitution
The survey also found that almost half (48%) think it is possible to have a “Revolutionary Government” under the present Philippine Constitution, while 27% say otherwise. A fourth (24%) has no opinion about the matter.
The proportion of those who say it is possible to have a “revolutionary government” in the current Philippine Constitution is highest in Metro Manila at 58%, followed by Mindanao at 48%, Balance Luzon at 47%, and Visayas at 42%.
By locale, it is slightly higher in urban areas at 51%, compared to rural areas at 46%.
It hardly varied across class and sex, ranging from 46% to 50%.
It tended to be higher among the younger age groups: it was 59% among the 25-34 year olds and 55% among the 18-24 year olds, compared to the 40%-47% range among the 35 year olds and above.
It tended to be higher among those with more years of formal education: it is highest among college graduates at 54%, followed by high school graduates at 50%, elementary school graduates at 46%, non-elementary school graduates at 38%.
Net agreement to a revolutionary government is a net -1 (38% agree, 39% disagree) among those aware of Pres. Duterte’s plan to change the present government, compared to a net -16 (26% agree, 42% disagree) among those unaware, and a net -22 (15% agree, 37% disagree) among those with no opinion about the matter.
Stronger opposition to a revolutionary government among those who say it is not possible under the present PH Constitution
Those who say that a revolutionary government is possible under the present Constitution have a positive net agreement of +19 (50% agree, 32% disagree, correctly rounded) with a prospective proclamation of a revolutionary government.
On the other hand, opposition prevails among those who say a revolutionary government is not possible under the present Constitution, at net agreement of -32 (16% agree, 49% disagree, correctly rounded), and those who do not know if it is possible, at net -31 (11% agree, 42% disagree).
Survey background
The December 2017 Social Weather Survey was conducted from December 8-16, 2017 using face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults (18 years old and above) nationwide: 300 each in Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (sampling error margins of ±3% for national percentages, and ±6% each for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao).
The area estimates were weighted by Philippine Statistics Authority medium-population projections for 2017 to obtain the national estimates.
The quarterly Social Weather Survey items about revolutionary government are not commissioned. They are done on SWS’s own initiative and released as a public service.
SWS employs its own staff for questionnaire design, sampling, fieldwork, data-processing, and analysis, and does not outsource any of its survey operations.