HIGHER WATER RATES IN Q4 | As dollar gains, MWSS allows FCDA tweaks

September 15, 2017 - 9:53 AM
The seal of regulator MWSS.

MANILA – Water bills will reflect higher numbers from October till December, as regulators approved the foreign currency differential adjustment (FCDA) of concessionaires Manila Water and Maynilad Water Services Inc.

The Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage Administration took the step amid the continuing rise of the US dollar against the peso.

Patrick Ty, MWSS chief regulator, explained the situation thus: “If the dollar appreciates vis-a-vis the peso there’s going to be an upward adjustment; so since the problem right now [is] peso is going down, there’s an upward adjustment.”

The impact of the FCRA tweaks: for Maynilad, it’s 11 centavos per cubic meter; and for Manila Water, 24 centavos per cubic meter.

This means that from October to December, Maynilad residential customers using 10 cubic meters or less will see their monthly bills rising by 34 centavos, and for Manila Water, P1.22.

Maynilad customers using 20 cubic meters will see their bills rise by P1.27; for Manila Water customers, P2.72.

Maynilad customers using 30 cubic meters will see monthly bills rising P2.60 and Manila Water customers, at P5.55.

Customers classified as semi-business will correspondingly see higher adjustments in their bills.

For semi-business customers consuming 10 cubic meters or less, the increase is: Maynilad, 34 centavos; Manila Water, P1.22

Semi-business customers using 20 cubic meters will see bills rising thus: Maynilad, P1.75; Manila Water, P3.72.

Semi-business customers using 30 cubic meters will see their bills increasing: Maynilad, P3.20; and Manila Water, P6.80.