LOOK | Locked in by a landslide, Benguet folk find a workaround

August 2, 2017 - 8:13 AM
A resident of Virac, Itogon looks out his window as a backhoe carries villagers across a landslide that buried the road leading out of the community.

ITOGON, Benguet — The country’s northern highlands, home to many major mining operations, are no stranger to landslides.

So when residents of Virac in Itogon town, Benguet found themselves locked in by a massive landslide that buried the mining road leading out of their community following heavy monsoon rains, it was not long before they found a way out of their predicament.

As work crews toiled to reopen the road, the villagers also went about their business, crossing the expanse of muddy water and boulders, in the bucket of a backhoe.

Workers toil to clear the landslide
Villagers ride the backhoe’s bucket over boulders and muddy water
The backhoe drops off one group of people as others prepare to cross the other way
Safely across