Manila rounds up street dwellers

June 27, 2017 - 7:03 AM
A family climbs into a van with other street dwellers rounded up in Manila. (image grabbed from video by Jennylyn Calimon, News5)

MANILA, Philippines — Social workers and police personnel rounded up close to a hundred street dwellers in areas around Manila City Hall early Tuesday morning, triggering some shouting matches from those they roused as children wept in fear.

The sweep started past 4 a.m. at the Bonifacio Shrine near City Hall and extended to the Lawton underpass.

Some of the homeless tried to resist, thinking they were being arrested. Others protested that their children had classes, others that they had small businesses to tend to.

The city government said the roundup is meant to protect street dwellers.

Those rounded up were taken to the Reception Action Center for processing. They will be fed and undergo medical checkups while there.

Those from Manila will be taken to Boys Town in Marikina while those who came from the provinces will be turned over to the Department of Social Welfare and Development-National Capital Region.