MMDA temporarily defers HOV scheme on EDSA

December 17, 2017 - 8:39 PM
EDSA traffic flow
File photo of EDSA traffic flow. MICHAEL VARCAS, PHIL. STAR

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has deferred temporarily the prospective implementation of its so-called “high occupancy vehicle (HOV)” lane scheme on Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA).

HOV was originally timetabled for implementation starting Monday, December 18.

This new traffic-reduction scheme will, instead, first be the subject of an intense information drive so that motorists can have a full grasp of what the EDSA high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane is all about.

MMDA officials cited the difficulty of checking the passengers load of heavily tinted vehicles traversing EDSA using the no-contact video reporting process, since constables are not flagging down the motorists at that high-speed lane.

The agency had conducted a one-week dry run at the innermost lane along EDSA, where only cars with two or more passengers would be granted the privilege of using.

Motorcycle riders can also use this lane aside from the designated motorcycle lane.

Violators will be flagged via the no-contact apprehension policy and meted P500 fine.